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InKluded for athletes


InKluded Sport offers (individual) sports guidance for;

  • children and young people with a disability, behavioural and/or developmental problem.

  • people with a certain mental or physical disability who do not want to exercise/play sports alone or would like extra guidance when exercising/playing sports.


We believe that almost everyone can play sports at a regular sports club with the right guidance. InKluded Sport offers one-on-one guidance at sports clubs (this must be arranged in consultation with the sports club). This service is only for athletes in the netherlands or as a online coaching course. 


Are you being hindered in sports/exercise? Please contact InKluded Sport by sending an email to with the guidance you need in sports or with an explanation of the problems you are facing in sports.


InKluded Sport charges athletes a rate of €27.50 per hour.


InKluded for sports providers


In addition to sports coaching for athletes, InKluded Sport is also there for sports providers. Such as sports clubs that have or want to start offerings for people with disabilities. InKluded Sport can, for example, provide trainers with information and instruction about the intended target group in order to tailor the sports offering to their needs. In addition, advice can also be given to companies that want to make their sports accommodation more accessible for people with disabilities.


Could your company or association use some extra support in the area of sports for people with disabilities? This service is only for sports providers in the netherlands or as a online coaching course. 


Please contact InKluded sport by sending an email to stating the advisory question your company or association has.


InKluded Sport charges a rate of €35.00 per hour for sports providers.


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